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HomeEthics and Professionalism
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"Nursing ethics is the foundation of the nursing profession. It guides nurses in their interactions with patients, colleagues, and the broader healthcare community, and ensures that they provide safe, compassionate, and ethical care."

"Professionalism is a core value of nursing. It is demonstrated through the nurse's commitment to excellence, accountability, and ethical practice. Professional nurses adhere to standards of practice and work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care for their patients."

"Nursing is a profession that requires ongoing learning and development. Professional nurses stay current with advances in technology and research to ensure that they provide evidence-based care. They also engage in professional development activities to enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies."
"Nurses have a responsibility to uphold the highest standards of ethical practice. This includes respecting patient autonomy, maintaining confidentiality, and providing care without discrimination. Professional nurses also advocate for their patients' rights and work to promote health equity and social justice."
"Nursing is a trusted profession, and nurses are in a unique position to build strong relationships with their patients. Professionalism and ethical practice are essential components of this relationship, and they help to establish trust, mutual respect, and open communication between the nurse and patient."